This was Tally’s debut. I am going to add some more later and some video when I get it, just for my record.

Before the trial report, some random rant. Since I was diagnosed with RA in March, my family (brother and two sisters) have stopped speaking to me. I imagine there are two reasons for this, number one is they don’t feel they can ask me to help them out with anything, and that was the only reason I ever heard from them anyway, and number two is that my famiy is perfect. If you are not perfect, you are not part of the family. I can’t even begin to say how hurt I am. I emailed them a couple months ago to ask if they could at least check in on me every once and a while and their responses were basically that they were too busy with their own lives and taking care of mom.

— done with that part.

We had so much fun at the Golden trail. I loved both the judges so much, Dan Faulker is a hoot and his courses were awesome. I will share the JWW course later for all those who say AKC courses are “too easy”. Ha.

Started out with Tally’s JWW on Friday. He did so so well, I was so proud of him. A little bobble getting into the weaves, but his jumping was amazing. I even did a blind cross! And rear crosses! whoo hoo. He is fast, he is driven, watch out.

Next up is Hannah’s standard. I was still breathing hard from running Tally. Hannah ran great, it was so much fun. After that was Hannah JWW. Oh my. This was the ugliest Q we have ever had and somehow we came in 1st. It was a wicked course from Lavonda, but so much fun to run.

Last for Friday was Tally’s standard. Oh my. Not the best end to the day. He was way over the top excited. He couldn’t stay on the table, he changed his mind halfway over the a-frame and did a complete turn on his way up. Then he came off and bit me in the butt. Need to work on impulse control.

Saturday was much more relaxing only running Hannah. Another great Standard run. JWW was the hardest AKC course I have ever seen. We did great, except for the first tunnel, she was a tiny bit reluctant to go in, and as soon as she was in I stepped back to get in position for the next jump. She saw me move back and come out of the tunnel. Ack. We would have had it if not for that.

So the last QQ we needed to qualify for Reno, getting down to only needed 4 more Qs and yes still a boatload of points. But… lets just say its back on the table – just 4 more trials/weekends like this and we could easily be there.